Tunkhannock Area School District

Athletics Staff

TASD Athletics Schedule Sports Livestream (Hudl TV)


Required Trainings 

Both trainings are to be completed once per school year. No coach will be allowed to begin the season without proof of successful completion. Please send your certificate to the Athletic Director. A copy will be kept on file with the Athletic Director. 

Concussion Management 

Sudden Cardiac Arrest


    Middle School Sports

    Fall Winter Spring
    7/8 Football Boys Basketball Baseball
    7/8 Field Hockey Girls Basketball Softball
    Co-ed Soccer Wrestling Boys Lacrosse
    Cross Country Boys Swimming Girls Lacrosse
    Volleyball Girls Swimming Boys Volleyball
    Diving Boys Tennis
    Boys Track
    Girls Track

    High School Sports

    Fall Winter Spring
    Football Boys Basketball Baseball
    Field Hockey Girls Basketball Softball
    Boys Golf Wrestling Boys Lacrosse
    Girls Golf Boys Swimming Girls Lacrosse
    Boys Soccer Girls Swimming Boys Volleyball
    Girls Soccer Diving Boys Tennis
    Boys Cross Country Boys Track
    Girls Cross Country Girls Track
    Girls Volleyball
    Girls Tennis

    Athletic Philosophy

    Interscholastic athletics is an integral part of the total educational program at Tunkhannock Area and is designed to provide a positive learning experience for its participants. The staff is committed to fulfilling the individual physical and psychological needs of our student/athletes by providing wholesome opportunities that will help to develop positive attitudes and favorable habits. The leadership should be of the highest quality so as to exemplify to the participants the desired type of individual to be developed from the athletic program. Measurement of the success of the leadership should not be in terms of the tangible evidence of victory and defeat record, but in the intangible personality development factors that are an outgrowth of the major objectives of the athletic program. The athletic program should always be in conformity with the general objectives of the school and the athletic administration should be in line with the general policies of the Tunkhannock Area School District. The athletic program is secondary to the academic curriculum; the program should function as part of the whole curriculum and should constantly strive for the development of a well-round individual capable of taking his/her place in modern society.

    Varsity Mission Statement

    The goal of our athletic programs is to produce young men and women who will develop the capacity to be successful citizens in our highly competitive society. We are committed to achieving this goal. We also want student to leave TAHS and be able to say that they were proud

    to be part of Tunkhannock Area Athletics. Participation in athletics at TAHS is a privilege and not a right. The athlete must earn this privilege through dedication, desire and discipline. Interscholastic athletics should provide an opportunity for its participants to grow physically, mentally and emotionally. Interscholastic athletics should provide a "whole School" interest. Athletic programs should attempt to generate school spirit among athletes and non-athletes. Team play should be emphasized with the development of loyalty, cooperation and fair play among the primary goals. Coaches should strive to teach new skills and offer opportunities to improve on those that the athlete already possesses. Members of an interscholastic team have a definite responsibility to contribute to that tradition, thereby gaining personal satisfaction.

    Participation should provide opportunities for lasting friendships as well as the gaining of respect from teammates and opponents. Coaches and players will respect the judgment and integrity of sport officials. Coaches and players will emphasize the proper ideals of sportsmanship and ethical conduct both on and off the field of play. They also should be a congenial host to any visiting teams, coaches and spectators. Members of athletic teams are expected to attend all games, practices and meetings. If circumstances arise whereby the athlete cannot attend a session, the athlete should make an honest effort to notify the coach. Students are encouraged to participate in as many sports as they are capable, without falling behind academically. Once an athlete begins a sport, he/she shall not quit that sport until the season is completed. Any athlete who quits a sport to participate in another sport must obtain written permission from the coach of the original team to practice with the desired team. Weightlifting should not be used by a coach or athlete as an alternative to participation on an athletic team.

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