For the 2024-2025 school year, TASD will continue to offer Title I Reading support services to students during Cub Time/Tiger Time following a School-Wide Program format. The School-Wide Program allows Title I Reading Specialists to support all TASD Grade K-7 students in Reading regardless of need. Additionally, the School-Wide Program format will support professionals at the Primary Center and Intermediate Center as they continue the full implementation of a MTSS (Multi-Tier System of Supports) in Reading.
Our Title I Reading Specialists offer Reading support services to our students via the School-Wide Program Model. They are also an important resource as we continue to implement Multi-Tier System of Supports (MTSS) programs in the schools throughout our district.
Parent Involvement is a key piece in every child’s education. The Tunkhannock Area School District is committed to reaching out to the parents/guardians of our students. Each spring, the Title 1 Parent Advisory Council meets to discuss how TASD can improve on family engagement and outreach. The Title I Parent Involvement District Policy is reviewed at this meeting for the upcoming school year. In addition to a Title 1 Parent Involvement District Policy, each Title 1 school adopts a Title 1 Parent Involvement School Policy. You can access these Policies by clicking on the document name in the Title 1 Resources section below.
The professionals who are responsible for providing Title I services in the district are also committed to fostering and facilitating effective family engagement. Title I personnel throughout the district will be offering various activities throughout the school year, and regularly send home materials to help families facilitate literacy.
Plans for the school-wide Parent Involvement activities for the 2019-2020 school year are in full swing. Information about upcoming activities will be announced by Title I Reading Specialists and invitations will be sent home as plans are finalized.
The Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) created the Title I State Parent Advisory Council (SPAC) in 1990. SPAC includes parents of children participating in Title I. The purpose of this council is to share ideas with the Division of Federal Programs about involving Title I parents to increase student achievement. SPAC parents advise PDE on many aspects of parent involvement-from working with children at home to developing partnerships among parents, teachers, administrators, and community leaders to create effective and engaging programs. Click on the link to go to the Pennsylvania State Parent Advisory Council.