All employees of the district are required to submit appropriate clearances (i.e. Act 34, 114 & 151 clearances) and must comply with all other Board policies related to the hiring of employees.
All candidates for positions must meet certification requirements established by the Pennsylvania State Department of Education.
Daily Substitutes Needed for the Tunkhannock Area School District
The Tunkhannock Area School District is currently accepting applications for daily substitute Custodians, Individual Student Aides, Maintenance Workers, RN & LPN Medical Aides, Secretarial and Clerical Workers.
Interested applicants should submit a letter of interest, completed application, current copies of Act 34 (PA Criminal History Check), Act 114 (FBI Fingerprint Check), Act 151 (PA Child Abuse Clearance) and TB test to Mr. Paul Dougherty, Superintendent, Tunkhannock Area School District, 41 Philadelphia Avenue, Tunkhannock PA 18657. EOE
Daily Teacher Substitutes are needed for the Tunkhannock Area School District through ESS. To apply to become a daily substitute teacher please use the following link.
Interested applicants should submit a letter of interest, Support Staff Application, resume, copies of current Act 34, Act 114, Act 151, Act 126 and three letters of reference.
Application packets should be submitted to Paul Dougherty, Superintendent, Tunkhannock Area School District, 41 Philadelphia Avenue, Tunkhannock PA 18657. Applications will be accepted until the positions are filled. EOE
Links to secure clearances and applications are available on the district web site – under the Employment Opportunities tab.
Interested applicants should submit a letter of interest, resume, and copies of Act 34, Act 114, Act 126 and Act 151 to Ken Janiszewski, Athletic Director, Tunkhannock Area School District, 135 Tiger Drive, Tunkhannock PA 18657. Current employees interested in applying need only submit a letter of interest. Applications will be accepted until the positions are filled. EOE
Links to secure clearances are available on the district web site – under the Employment Opportunities tab.
Interested applicants should submit a letter of interest, resume, and copies of Act 34, Act 114, Act 126 and Act 151 to Ken Janiszewski, Athletic Director, Tunkhannock Area School District, 135 Tiger Drive, Tunkhannock PA 18657. Current employees interested in applying need only submit a letter of interest. Applications will be accepted until the positions are filled. EOE
Links to secure clearances are available on the district web site – under the Employment Opportunities tab.
Use this site to sign up ONLINE for Fingerprinting Services Act 114.
CODE 1KG6XN- Pennsylvania PDE-School Districts.
ONLINE Child Abuse History Background Check Act 151
Take your PA State Background Check Online for Act 34 Here