135 Tiger Drive
Tunkhannock, PA 18657
Phone: (570) 836-8241
Fax: (570) 836-4719
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All transcript requests need to be requested in writing.
Please email School Counseling Secretary, Sherry Gregory (sherry.gregory@tasd.net) or fax the request to 570-836-8251.
Please include your name at the time of graduation, date of birth, graduation year and where you need your transcripts
A student must be at least 14 years of age to apply for a working permit. A parent/guardian must complete a work permit application. This application can be found at the Dept. of Education website (www.education.pa.gov), on the high school counseling page on www.tasd.net and Canvas page or an application can be picked up in the School Counseling Office. Once the application is completed, please call 570-836-8273 to make an appointment (if the student is a cyber student) to come in to complete the process. If the student is a brick-and-mortar student, they can bring the application to the School Counseling Office with a copy of their birth certificate (if we do not have one on file). We will also accept a license, passport, or baptismal certificate as proof of age. The student MUST be present to sign the work permit in the presence of the issuing officer.