Tunkhannock Area School District

Mission Statement:

90% of all accidents are caused by doing unsafe acts!

If you have any Safety issues or concerns please contact Lisa Vaskas (lisa.vaskas@tasd.net) and John Shepulski (john.shepulski@tasd.net) or workorders@tasd.net.

We'd like to introduce you to our Safety Committee Members:

  • Laura Dussinger
  • Paul Grabowski
  • Rich Jones
  • Kinsy Lukasavage
  • Charles Richter
  • John Shepulski
  • Rebecca Tonge
  • Lisa Vaskas
  • Elisa Welles
  • Matthew Wincek

We will be walking through various locations throughout the district to promote and improve Safety Awareness. If you have any questions or safety concerns, please feel free to contact anyone on our committee.

Slips, Trip And Falls - Winter Safety Tips

This week we’re looking at Slips, trips and falls. It is the number 1 reason for an industrial injury in the United States. Today let’s look at walking outside when it’s cold and snowy or icy.

Here are some tips:

  • Plan ahead and give yourself sufficient time.
  • When walking on steps, always use the hand railings and plant your feet firmly on each step.
  • When walking on an icy or snow-covered walkway, take short steps and walk at a slower pace so you can react quickly to a change in traction.
  • Bending your knees a little and taking slower and shorter steps increases traction and can greatly reduce your chances of falling. It also helps to stop occasionally to break momentum.
  • Streets and sidewalks that have been cleared of snow and ice should still be approached with caution. Look out for "black ice." Dew, fog or water vapor can freeze on cold surfaces and form an extra-thin, nearly invisible layer of ice that can look like a wet spot on the pavement. It often shows up early in the morning or in areas that are shaded from the sun.
  • Carrying heavy items can challenge your sense of balance. Try not to carry too much--you need to leave your hands and arms free to better balance yourself.
  • Be prepared to fall and try to avoid using your arms to break your fall. If you fall backward, make a conscious effort to tuck your chin so your head doesn't strike the ground with a full force.
  • When entering a building, remove as much snow and water from your boots as you can. Take notice that floors and stairs may be wet and slippery--walk carefully.
  • Use special care when entering and exiting vehicles--use the vehicle for support.
  • Be on the lookout for school zone signals and ALWAYS obey the speed limits.
  • When entering a school zone, be sure to slow down and obey all traffic laws.
  • Always stop for school busses that are loading or unloading children.
  • Watch out for school crossing guards and obey their signals.
  • Be aware of and watch out for children near schools, bus stops, sidewalks, in the streets, in school parking lots, etc.
  • Never pass other vehicles while driving in a school zone.
  • Never change lanes while driving in a school zone.
  • Never make U-Turns while driving in a school zone.
  • Never text while driving in a school zone.
  • Avoid using a cell phone, unless it is completely hands-free, while driving in a school zone.
  • Unless licensed to do so, never use handicap or emergency vehicle lanes or spaces to drop off or pick up children at school.

Safety tip of the month:

Please use extra caution when the crossing guards are in their designated areas. Its of high importance to STOP at all crosswalks and to follow the appropriate speed limits through the high traffic areas around the school zones.

Here are six simple tips to avoid slips, trips and falls during the winter season: Keep walkways, stairways and other work areas clear. Remove hazards, such as water on floors and snow on sidewalks, immediately. When walking, look where you are going and have your hands ready to steady yourself should you slip.

 Wear the proper attire during the winter months. Be prepared at all times for snow and slippery conditions.

With active supervision and some basic safety tips, every day at the playground can be a walk in the park.

The Hard Facts

Falls are the most common type of playground injury, accounting for more than 75 percent of all playground-related injuries. Lack of or improper supervision is associated with approximately 45 percent of playground-related injuries.

Top Tips

  • Actively supervise children on playgrounds. It won’t be hard – they’ll probably be calling for you to watch them climb, jump and swing.
  • Take your kids to playgrounds with shock-absorbing surfaces such as rubber, synthetic turf, sand, pea gravel, wood chips or mulch. If your child falls, the landing will be more cushioned than on asphalt, concrete, grass or dirt.
  • Dress appropriately for the playground. Remove necklaces, purses, scarves or clothing with drawstrings that can get caught on equipment and pose a strangulation hazard. Even helmets can be dangerous on a playground, so save those for bikes.
  • Teach children that pushing, shoving or crowding while on the playground can be dangerous.
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